2022 Event & Conference Trends You Should Plan For

On the contrary to many folks worried about the different variants of Covid 19 virus derailing the global recovery, the outlook for conferences & events has never looked rosier. This may come as a surprise to some however let me explain what we believe are three very strong trends you should anticipate for 2022 meetings & events.
Business travel is bursting at the seams, raring to come back
Most “road warriors” (sales people that have been accustomed to spending the majority of their time bouncing between different cities, schmoozing clients at dinners and delivering pitches in corporate offices) are chomping at the bit for travel to come back. The moment they get the green light that business travel is back on, they’ll be off to the races. However, the expected “return to office” is starting to look less and less likely. The more likely outcome in our opinion is that work-from-home is here to stay and the commercial real estate industry is in for a rude awakening. Rather than visit their clients in corporate offices, the more likely scenario is that these road warriors will be purchasing conference passes to meet their clients at conventions all across the country. Rather than visiting with one client in a city, they might be able to have 3,4, or 5 meetings in a single convention hall! Convention centers will be the new conference rooms for high stakes business negotiations and it will be a great opportunity for the industry to take advantage of. In light of this the event organizers are quickly moving towards automation and spending Trade show management software that are lean and affordable. These event management software’s come packed with Floor plan management modules.
Professionals will prioritize and flock to their top conference
I think most of us can agree that we are burned out on Zoom meetings. All day, every day its back to back to back zoom meetings. The monotony is real. Our prediction is that people will continue to be fatigued by Zoom in 2022, however they’ll seize every opportunity possible to escape it by driving or flying to their favorite shows to see their friends. Nothing replaces real-life relationships and people are in desperate need of human interaction. Conferences and trade shows that are managed well through expo software’s offer people an escape from Zoom and we predict in 2022, they’ll take full advantage of it. Expect vaccination card proof to be mandatory for entrance to the show. Masks aren’t going away for the foreseeable future. People will gladly show vax cards and wear masks to embrace quality bonding time with their friends and co-workers.
Although everything has changed, nothing has changed3
Meetings have always been about a few main things: bringing people together to create an eclectic energy that inspires the soul, strengthening relationships and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Some think that events will be smaller, socially distanced, and generally not quite the same. Our prediction is that even though everything has changed, when it comes to events, nothing has changed. The excitement and emotions of seeing friends and colleagues meeting in-person will trump any downside of covid protocol implemented by show organizers. People will arrive at shows nervous and cautious only to find themselves overwhelmed by the euphoria of seeing long lost friends. 2022 will be a remarkable year for events and we couldn’t be more excited.
Virtual Shows will take a back seat
Professionals are starved for face time and direct communications. In the first Covid lockdown the virtual events powered by the latest and greatest Virtual event Management Software’s were all the hoot but a year and a half later every one has realised that there is no substitute to in person exhibitions and contact. The ability to see the persons face and get his expressions during communication makes things fun. The virtual events have been fun but the physical exhibitions will make a huge come back. In this situation the event managers should definitely move towards automation and choose products that can support primarily inperson exhibitions and also if needed immediately shift to virtual. Expo-Genie is one such evnet management solution to keep in mind
Expo Genie
Expo Genie is a Complete solution for Trade Show management Software and comes packed with Exhibitior Management, Floor Plan Management, Customised Exhibitor entry scenarios and Virtual event platform. All in one Exp Genie is a Simple, Modern and Affordable software that is designed for the modern event manager. Allowing them to offer the Exhibitors and attendees the features and functionalities that they desire in order to make their exhibition experience unparalleled.